Our CCTS-FBLA GTC chapter is dedicated to providing a platform for future business leaders, strong-minded individuals, and enthusiasts to connect, learn, and grow. Our part of our mission is to foster a vibrant community where ideas are shared, connections are made, and collaborations thrive. Join us in exploring the best practices and create successful pathways.
Meet Our Advisors and Officers! Below is our chapter FBLA officers, along with their committees and emails.

Advisor - Mrs. Purnell-Respes
​ Reach out to Mrs. Purnell-Respes: tpurnell@ccts.net

Advisor - Ms. Moore
Reach out to Ms. Moore: vmoore@ccts.net
Historian + Webmaster
Grace Tirado
Head of Scrapbooking/Photography Committee
To join our committees, click on the icon you are interested in down below, to open a form. Our committees are fashion show/activities, scrap booking/photography, competitive events, fundraising, and community service committees. To learn more information, email any one of the officers for better understanding.